English Elephant Tuition offers a range of course options for private candidates wishing to study towards a GCSE or IGCSE qualification in English Language.
English Elephant Tuition is an approved Learning Partner for Tutors and Exams. Together, we support private candidates and distance learners as they prepare for iGCSE examinations in English.
iGCSE English Language Courses
Spec A (one-year or two-year option)
This is a rolling course, which is taught in 8 Units. It comprises of 68 hours of live lessons in total, along with Learning Support Videos, marked mock exams and homework tasks.
Offering optimum flexibility, you choose which Units your child needs support to study, how long they need to study – and change your mind as time goes on (if you need to)!
Your child can try out the different Edexcel specs and see which best suits them before committing to one for their final exam.
No spoken language assessment is needed here, so all you need to arrange is your final exam with the exam centre of your choice.
Enrol one term at a time, giving you and your child the freedom to work independently when it suits you – and get support when you need it.
What is included?
- Weekly live, online lessons during term time (60 minutes each).
- Weekly homework tasks (during term time) marked with written feedback.
- Access to examples of well-written answers from other children.
- Access to lesson resources, read-along videos and analysis videos.
- Lesson recordings available to view throughout the course to allow for revision and flexible working times.
- 2-3 hours of directed learning activities each week during term time (comprised of 1 x 60-minute lesson, plus homework tasks, learning support videos and preparation time where needed).
- Termly mock exam (optional)
How much does it cost?
£10.50 per lesson, payable in a termly payment when enrolling (or in two payments made before the start of term).
Termly mock exam (optional) (£25)*
Autumn and Spring Terms are 12 weeks each (£126 each); Summer Half Terms are booked in two half-termly blocks of 5 lessons each (£52.50)

Units switch to alternate days for Year 2 of study.
Below are some combinations that might work for you:
Option 1: Join one class and study over a two year period, covering all 8 units of the course.
Option 2: Join two classes and study over a one year period, covering all 8 units of the course.
Option 3: Join part-way through a year and study over a 1-2 year period. In this instance you can choose to take one class a week or two classes a week at certain points of the year, catching up on anything you might have missed due to joining later in the academic year.
Option 4: Join classes for a term at a time to get extra support for areas of weakness or to support revision in the run-up to the final exams.
Please note, places in classes cannot be reserved until payment has been made. Enrolment for each term opens the half term before the start of term (e.g. January term enrolment opens in October half term). Places are offered to children currently enrolled before they are advertised or offered to children on the waiting list.
English Language iGCSE: Spec B, one or two year options
Short-course – Edexcel iGCSE Spec B: Exam skills
This course will focus on eaxm skills and techniques, helping children to understand how they can write answers which meet the expectations and requirements of the examiner.
We will work with question papers, example responses and mark schemes to understand exactly what the demands of the exam are. We will also talk about exam technique and how we might prepare ourselves for the exam.
What will the course include?
- 25 live (recorded) lessons, focused on exam skills and techniques for Edexcel, Spec B English language iGCSE
- Weekly (optional but recommended) homework tasks, marked with feedback
- Access to example student responses (WAGOLLs)
- 2 invigilated and graded full (optional) mock exams
How much will it cost?
The total course fee is £332.50*
Cost of weekly lesson | £10.50 (x25) |
Cost per mock | £35 (x2) |
Total course fee | £332.50 |
When will the course run?
Lessons will be on Mondays at 11am. See calendar for term and mock exam dates. Children choosing to study over two years, will be invited to enrol from February 2023.
*Prices correct for 2024/2025.